by on April 29, 2020
Do you think a DR should induce labor if...?  

answers 0:Im 39 weeks and have been having a real bad tooth achc to the point where i cant really eat anything hard and i cant sleep on my right side ( the tooth is on my right side) the pain keeps me up most the night, Im really hungry. I asked my sister Shes a dental assistant has been for 5 years and she took a look and said it looks like i would need a root canal, And the tooth in back of this one chiped yesterday and it hurts even more, I called a Dentist yesterday and they told me they cant do anything about it untill the baby is born. Nothing helps with the pain, its so bad. And my Dr does not induce uless passed 41 weeks or for a medical reason. By the way this is my 3rd and everything has been good so far. Should the induce cause its only going to get worst not better on its own... What do you think. I go to the DR to day.....Show more answers 1:Why won't your dentist treat you? There is nothing about dental treatment that should be unsafe during pregnacy. (You can have novacaine, take antibiotics, etc. At 39 weeks you can even have dental x-rays if necessary. [Your belly would be shielded.])This sounds like a difficult situation. Even if the doctor DID induce you, going through labor while in agony from a tooth ache would be very unpleasant to say the least. Can you ask the doctor and denist to communicate with each other, and come up with a safe and sensible plan for you? (YOu would also want the dentist to actually look at your tooth. Being diagnosed by your sister and then talking to the dentist on the phone isn't really a substite for a proper exam by the dentist.)... answers 2:Yes, the doctor should, so it doesn't lead to something worse. And because a tooth ache is very painful! I feel for you! answers 3:i think they should do something for you, surely they cant leave you like that, tooth pain is prob worse than labour pain ha ha i would demand that something be donegood luck answers 4:Tell your doc about it b/c poor dental health can harm the baby. Plus you may have an infection and need antibiotics to make sure not to give to baby. But there are many risk with inducing labor, it makes it more painful for you and harder on the baby. Look up the risks on inducing before you ask. It may be you will have to live with pain for 2 more weeks. Good luck I do not envy you tooth pain AND labor! Poor thing! answers 5:they are not gonna induce you for that , the dentist should give you a course of anti biotics be for e route canal any way and yeah you will be ok o have them this pregnant . i had the same thing when i was heavily pregnant with my second child answers 6:well to be honest i had a root canal when iwas prego but i was only 2 weeks and they also said i could get freezing and get my cavity filled answers 7:I think the best thing you can do for yourself is ask! You have the right to be comfortable

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